Wow I just feel that I'm getting old but thank God that I'm gaining wisdom as I get older.First of all I want to give God all the glory because my life as a whole has been a testimony right from when I was a baby.I know what I have passed through in life to be what I'm today.If not for God almighty I don't think i would be where I'm right now or even sit up here to Blog.I will also give thanks to my both parents Mr & Mrs C.N Ighile for been there for me and bringing me into this world.Also to my grand parents Late Pa R.A Usuanlele and Mrs L.E Usuanlele(Nee Aghedo) for bringing my mum into this world and also for taking good care of me since I was 7months old up till the day I left Nigeria which was about 4yrs ago.My whole life would not be complete without my own Bros Late Engr. Nosa Usuanlele aka Father of blessed memory.Keep Resting in Peace Father !!!
My last birthday celebration was when I was 5yrs old (I know that's a long time ago)...lol,I so much remember all that happened that day especially when I go through the old pictures but I have also done some get together in the past years with friends or just chill with families at home but since I lost my own blood Nosa,I haven't done anything for my birthday.This is my 3rd birthday since he left to meet the Lord and I'm still trying to get it out of my memory especially when I don't get to talk to him on this special day.He's always the first to call to wish me an Happy Birthday.This is actually a testimony to the whole world.
April 2004 was the time I almost lost my life.I was admitted in the hospital and the Doctor said I was so strong because people at that same stage that I was wouldn't survive it.But because God is still God and He don't sleep,I made it through and I'm still alive today to testify the good thing He has done in my life.
December 2007 some few days before my trip to Nigeria,I had a very terrible accident,my car was totally gone but it didn't take my life,A car coming from the opposite direction drove into my car face to face,although he applied his breaks but because of the bad weather that day the break refused to hold but nothing happened to me and I came out alive and still went to Nigeria 2days after the Accident but couple of days later I got a call when I was in Nigeria that we had lost Nosa.
September 2008 I was in Nigeria for my grand father's funeral,in October about a week to the funeral i fell so sick and was on drip throughout till the funeral but God by my side and because by His stripes I'm healed I got healed and moved on with life.
Few days after New Year,I was driving with my cousin on MM Way in Benin City,we had a Terrible accident that almost took the life of someone,even if the car was damaged,we didn't die so we Thank God that we had put the devil to shame.Alot of people even thought the man was dead but the God that I serve didn't allow that to happen.I had broken the same leg I dislocated 2days before New Year(A story for another day),as a matter of fact the leg is still not fully healed but God 2much.
The whole of 2008 and 2009 wasn't a really good year for me,I had it rough the whole of those 2years from deaths in the family to different issues but God still kept it going with me.I never complained to anyone thats why you wouldn't notice but those very close to me knows exactly what I'm talking about.A quick Shout Out to my Mum,She's a very strong woman...I love her so much,Mother is supreme...Iyenoma!
These are just some few Miracles and Testimonies on how God have kept my life because He has great plans for me on this earth.My Life have really been very interesting because God have blessed me in so many ways and have also taken the eyes of the enemies out of my body because the Bible says we shall not make enemies but anyone that declares him or herself our enemy,they shall fall for our sake.The Bible also said A thousand shall fall on your right side and 10thousand on your left but they shall not arm you.I live everything to Jesus Christ who is the Author and finisher of my faith.
Why would I not have the cause to thank and glorify the Lord on a special day like this??? He has made me who I'm today and only Him I owe an appreciation and thanksgiving.Not any man because men cannot predict your life for you but only God.
I use this opportunity to thank all my Facebook Friends,Followers on Twitter,Black Berry Messenger & Yahoo Messenger Friend's list,All my Families and Friends Worldwide for wishing me well on my birthday.God also sees the heart of those pretending to wish me good and have other plans.Anyone that have any evil plans against me,God would expose u all. "EGHIAN BUN SE' OSE" (Your Enemies are more than your Friends) "OSE' OMWAN GBO' MWAN" (Its your friends that would kill you meaning they would pretend to be your friend) "E'RIA O'GHOMWEN WA...I MA RIA O'GHOMWAN" (Dont spoil my own because i didnt spoil anyone's own) ..2010 IS MY YEAR OF GREATER LIGHT !!!